Title: Vets at War – A History of the Australian Army Veterinary Corps 1909 – 1946
Author: Parsonson, Ian M
Condition: Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2005
ISBN: 9781876439941
Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 224 pages
Comments: The history of the Australian Army Veterinary Corps from 1909 to 1946.
‘Vets at War’ is history of history of the Australian Army Veterinary Corps, which was formed in 1909, when the army became fully mechanised. Although the Corps only existed for 37 years it played a vital military role.
From the early formation of armed militia forced in Australia, mounted troops and transport animals have played a significant part in army operations and, consequently, veterinarians also has an important role.
From the Sudan Contingent, the South Africa war, World War One and through to the end of World War Two, veterinarians have provided professional care for horses and other animals of the Australian Army.
It is important to acknowledge veterinarians and those who served with them in war and peace, and allow them to take their honoured place in Australian Army history and to have their contribution recorded for future generations.