
Title: The Korean War 1950- 53: A 50 Year Retrospective the Chief of Army’s Military History Conference, 2000

Author: Dennis, Peter and Grey, Jeffrey

Condition: Near Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 2000

ISBN: 0642705054

Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 199 pages

Comments: The history of Australia’s involvement in the Korean War 1950 – 1953.

This volume of 10 essays from the 2000 Chief of Army’s Military History Conference brings together the work of a number of Australian and international military historians to provide new perspectives on “the forgotten war”.

Includes: Allan R Millet: The Forgotten Army in the Misunderstood War: The Hanguk Gun in the Korean War, 1946-53; Richard Trembath: The Formation of K-Force; Jeffrey Grey: Other Fronts: Resistance, Collaboration and Survival Among United Nations Prisoners During the Korean War; and Ian McGibbon: ANZAXIS at War: Australian-New Zealand Relations During the Korean War.

The Korean War involved the death, injury or dislocation of millions.

It threatened to escalate into a nuclear conflict and a third world war and marked the first exercise of will by the United Nations.

Its political significance is clear, but as wars go if has struggled for prominence in our collective memory.

Rich Trembath explores the reasons why this is so and the motivation and experiences of those who served- of combat, friend an enemy, and a foreign and dangerous landscape.