Title: The Koolama Incident in the Timor Sea 1942.
Author: Loane, Bill
Condition: SECOND HAND – Near Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2004
ISBN: 187705819X
Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 215 pages
Comments: This is the dramatic true story of the mysterious survival in the Timor Sea and Kimberley region of Western Australia after MV Koolama is attacked and bombed by three Japanese float planes in February, 1942.
After the bombing the Captain beached his stricken ship some one hundred and sixty souls took to the lifeboats and established a camp in a remote cove. This group, which included a six month old child and injured men, lived as castaways, enduring hardship, while tempers stretched to breaking point and near mutiny.