
Title: The Intrigue Master – Commander Long and Naval Intelligence in Australia, 1913-1945

Author: Winter, Barbara

Condition: Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 1995

ISBN: 0864391846

Cover: Hard Cover without Dust Jacket – 339 pages

Comments: From 1932 to 1945, Commander Long was involved in every Intelligence and Security organisation in Australia, including Naval Intelligence, CIB, Security Service. He founded the Allied Intelligence Bureau. He was also a contact point for external agencies (M15, M16, OSS, Dutch Intelligence) and he received Enigma decrypts. His work forshadowed both ASIO and ASIS. 

For this critical period, the biography of “Cocky” Long is the history of Australian clandestine activities and operations. Critique Sifting thought a vast amount of research material, Barbara Winter has produced and exciting and revealing story of one of Australia’s most remarkable spymasters.