
Title: Sailor and Commando –  A Royal Australian Navy Special Service Beach Commando 1942-1946

Author: Jones, A E (Ted)

Condition: Near Mint +

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 1998

ISBN: 0859052532

Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 173 pages

Comments:  As a young Royal Australian Navy sailor, one of just one hundred and twenty, Ted Jones trained at a secret base in New South Wales to become a Special Service Beach Commando.  He saw active service in the Netherlands East Indies and Borneo with the Australian and American armies.

Sailor and Commando is a story of extraordinary training and active service.  It includes a nominal roll of personnel.

The Author

Ted Jones was born in Swanbourne, Western Australia and educated at Christ Church Grammar School and Scotch College.  While a student he served in the kilted Scotch College Cadet Corps, 1939-41 and with the Air Training Corps 1941-42, giving him a good grounding in military activity.

From the 1950s to 1970s he and his wife lived and worked in the eastern states.  They have a son and daughter and six grandchildren and presently reside in a retirement village in Bibra Lake.