
Title: Silent Feet – The History of ‘Z’ Special Operations 1942 – 1945

Author: Courtney, G B  MBE, MC

Condition: Very Good Plus – Previous owner’s name on front end paper.

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 1993

ISBN: 0646129031

Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 273 pages 

Comments: The history of ‘Z’ Force Operations during World War 2. 

A fascinating account of the 81 cloak and dagger missions behind Japanese lines during World War 2, written by the commander of Z Special in Borneo in 1945.

The history of Z Special Operations involved parachute landings from RAAF aircraft and insertion from US and British submarines.  A must for Special Operations devotees.

Includes Nominal Roll and Roll of Honour.