Title: Torres Strait Force – Cape York – Thursday Island – Merauke – 1942 to 1945
Author: Ball, Reg A
Condition: Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 1996
ISBN: 0646207490
Cover: Hard Cover without Dust Jacket (Laminated Boards) – 301 pages
Comments: The detailed history of Torres Strait Force during World War 2.
Torres Strait Force was a military command unit of the Australian Army during the Second World War. Reporting directly to the First Army and consisting of infantry, artillery, anti-aircraft, engineers, medical and logistics units, it was responsible for the defence of the islands of the Torres Strait, to the north of the Australian mainland. It was formed in September 1942 under the command of Colonel H.R Langford through the redesignation of “Thursday Island Fortress”.