Title: Australian Armour – A History of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps 1927 – 1972
Author: Hopkins, Ronald
Condition: Very Good
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 1978
ISBN: 0642994145
Cover: Soft Cover with Dust Jacket – 371 pages.
Comments: The detailed history of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps 1927 to 1972.
The Royal Australian Armoured Corps (RAAC) is a corps in the Australian Army. The corps was formed on 9 July 1941 as the Australian Armoured Corps to provide personnel to use Armoured Fighting Vehicles. It is the senior arms corps within the army and was granted the Royal prefix in 1948. Units of the RAAC include tank regiments, reconnaissance regiments and armoured personnel-carrier regiments.
This is considered to be the most detailed book on the corp’s history. The author served with the Australian Light Horse during World War I and is considered to be the founding father of the modern Royal Australian Armoured Corps.