Title: War in the Shadows – Bougainville 1944-45
Author: Medcalf, Peter
Condition: Very Good
Edition: 3rd Edition
Publication Date: 2000
ISBN: 0702231444
Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 170 pages
Comments: A first hand account of the bitter jungle campaign on Bougainville in the Solomons as seen by an Australian infantryman from November 1944 to August 1945.
The author was a Lance Corporal in the 15th Battalion, 29th Brigade.
In 1944 when Peter Medcalf was nineteen he was an infantryman fighting in the bloody campaigns on Bougainville. War in the Shadows is the story of these campaigns. It tells the dramatic truth about jungle warfare in the south-west Pacific during the Second World War. In graphic detail the story follows the fighting through swamps to the bitter actions in the southern lowlands at the war’s end.