
Title: Viet Nam Shots – A Photographic Account of Australians at War

Author: McKay, Gary and Stewart, Elizabeth

Condition: Near Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 2002

ISBN: 1865085413

Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 199 pages

Comments: Photographic coverage of Australia’s involvement in the Viet Nam war, on the battlefield and on the home front, backed up by explanatory text and captions. 

Thirty years after the last Australian troops left Viet Nam, Viet Nam Shots provides a compelling and comprehensive illustrated history of Australia’s involvement in the war that divided a nation.

Featuring dramatic photographs, some never before published, as well as detailed text from one of Australia’s leading writers on Viet Nam, this book covers all aspects of the war – from the battlefields to the home front. These evocative and sometimes confronting photographs portray the difficult conditions under which Australians served and fought. And the images of moratoriums, the Welcome Parade and the unveiling of the Viet Nam Forces Memorial also reflect the feelings of everyday Australians in this controversial and unpopular war.

This unique collection is a legacy to those who served and those who did not return.