
Title: Victoria Cross – Australia’s Finest and the Battles They Fought

Author: Staunton, Anthony

Condition: Near Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 2005

ISBN: 9781740662888

Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 358 pages

Comments: A detailed account of the Australian recipients of the Victoria Cross – a biography of each VC recipient.

Now updated to also include all our George Cross winners, VC has been considered a classic work of Australian military history ever since its first publication in 1963. Together with detailed descriptions of the battles they fought in, VC contains full biographies of all Australians who have won the Victoria Cross, the Commonwealth’s supreme decoration for gallantry in battle. Fully illustrated with rare photos from the Australian War Memorial, the book also sets out the history of the Victoria Cross itself. These dramatic stories will arouse both admiration for the courage of these gallant men, and pity for the enormous sacrifice required by war.