

Title: Typhoon Pilot

Author: Scott, Desmond

Condition: Very Good Plus

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 1982

ISBN: 0099507005

Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 168 pages

Comments: The story of an ace RNZAF fighter pilot and a legendary aircraft.

This is not only the story of one man’s war, but also the story of an aircraft – the Typhoon, or “Tiffy” as it was affectionately known – which the author describes as a “low-bred carthorse whose pedigree had received a sharp infusion of hot-headed sprinter’s blood”. He recounts his time as a young commander of a rumbustious New Zealand Air Force squadron, and later as the RAF’s youngest Group Captain at the age of 25. His story includes conflict in the air over Normandy, Belgium, Holland and Germany, where the Typhoons fought their last actions and where Desmond Scott earned major decorations from Belgium, France and Holland.