Title: Touched by War – Memoirs of a Beaufighter Pilot
Author: Mariah, Lisa
Condition: Near Mint +
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2006
ISBN: 1876439688
Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket (Laminated Boards) – 110 pages
Comments: For Raynor Barber, World War Two changed his understanding of life. In hindsight, everything that happened to him before being posted to New Guinea with the RAAF’s 30 Squadron was just in preparation, and everything following, merely a consequence of that ninth month tour of Operations. By telling his story, a younger generation of Australians are given the opportunity to understand the reality beyond the heroism.
Put on a different pair of shoes – you are leading a team of Beaufighters over enemy territory in New Guinea. You are flying low over the water to avoid radar detection; so low, that when you look behind you see the backwash spraying up over the tail.
You’ve done this before, but an inexperienced pilot looks back and panics, pulling his aircraft up to two hundred feet before realizing what he’s done. Your cover is blown…..