Title: Tocumwal to Tarakan – Australians and the Consolidated B24 Liberator
Author: Nelmes, Michael V
Condition: Mint – Signed by the author.
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 1994
ISBN: 1875593047
Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 171 pages
Comments: Michael Nelmes has written the history of the B-24 Liberator in service with the Royal Australian Air Force from February 1944 until 1947. It covers the early training arrangements with the US Fifth Air Force and the missions flown in American planes, through the formation of RAAF B-24 squadrons, their operations, and into the post-war years. Appendices include a detailed register of all B-24s known to have flown with the RAAF, and listings of all those who lost their lives in Liberators in the South-West Pacific Area.
Includes the names of Australians killed in Liberators in the South West Pacific Area.