Title: The Sky Their Battlefield – Air Fighting and the Complete List of Allied Air Casualties from Enemy Action in the First World War – British, Commonwealth and United States Air Services 1914 to 1918.
Author: Henshaw, Trevor
Condition: Near Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 1995
ISBN: 1898697302
Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 578 pages
Comments: A milestone publication, the book provides a definitive detailed listing and description of over four years of continuous fighting in the air in World War 1, by assembling the 8000 casualties that the British and Commonwealth, and American, air services suffered.
Every single day of the war has been examined in every theatre and the circumstances checked from every available source. Both allied and German sources have been studied, resulting in thousands of cross-links with, confirmation of and changes to our previous knowledge of the subject.
A must for anyone interested in the Australian Flying Corps (AFC) or Royal Flying Corps (RFC) during World War 1. Now a scarce and highly desirable reference book.