
Title: The Eleventh Hussars (Prince Albert’s Own) 1908 – 1934

Author: CAPT L R Lumley

Condition: Very Good

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 1936


Cover: Hard Cover without Dust Jacket – 544 pages and 39 maps

Comments: The author served through all the latter part of the Great War with the Eleventh Hussars and so was in a significant position of authority to write this important history of the Regiment’s services during that conflict.

He begins by setting the scene of the Regiment’s home service from 1908 up to 1914, and continues to examine in separate chapters The Retreat from Mons, 1914; The Retreat Continued; Nery, 1914; The Marne and The Aisne, 1914; The Advance to the North, 1914; Messines, 1914; Ypres, 1914-1915; Waiting for a Gap, 1915-1917; The Battle of Cambrai and the Winter of 1917-1918; The March Retreat, 1918; The Advance to Victory, 1918; Germany, 1918-1919; Egypt and India, 1919-1926; and the final chapter discusses the transformation of the Hussars to an armoured-car regiment, 1926-1934.

Several of the plates have been made during visits to the battlefields. Maps have been drawn to illustrate nearly every event, several of which are folding, and the numerous appendices will be an everlasting record of the individual performances of the Officers, N.C.O.’s and Men who served in the Regiment during the period covered. The 11th Hussars in WWI.”

This is a great resource for researchers, genealogists and medal collectors.

Note – the half title page partially loose.

Includes casualties killed or died of wounds 1914-1918, movements of the 11th Hussars during the Great War. 

Includes Nominal roll of those who proceeded on active service 15th August 1914.