
Title: The Donkey who Carried the Wounded – John Simpson Kirkpatrick and his Donkey

Author: French, Jackie

Condition: Near Mint +

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 2009

ISBN: 9780732288396

Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 203 pages

Comments: The story of John Simpson Kirkpatrick –  Australian Army Medical Corps (AAMC)

This is the fascinating story of an ordinary man who did extraordinary things in a critical situation. A stretcher bearer on Gallipoli who did not know he was a hero. Day after day he brought hundreds of wounded men down the shrapnel-swept gully. He has become a symbol of the valour and ingenuity of Anzac soldiers. Now a legend, he is remembered as Simpson and his Donkey.

John Simpson Kirkpatrick, a stretcher bearer whose brief life ended early in the Gallipoli campaign, is better known today as ‘the man with the donkey’. One of the AIF’s most well-known figures, Simpson was, like many of his comrades, an Englishman. Born on 6 July 1892 at Shields in County Durham, he joined the merchant marine at the age of 17 and began a life of wandering that eventually led him to Australia.