
Title: The Black Soil, Plains and Beyond – the 1st Australian Armoured Division

Author: Clark, Cate

Condition: Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 2013

ISBN: 9780646905976

Cover: Hard Cover without Dust Jacket – 365

Comments: The history of the 1st Australian Armoured Division during World War II.

The Black Soil Plains and Beyond: Recollections of the 1st Australian Armoured Division is the second, and final, instalment in Cate Clark’s series on the 1st Australian Armoured Division.

Based upon the remembrances of over 150 individuals, the publication explores the 1st Australian Armoured Division from its inception in 1941, until its disbandment in 1943. It then follows the stories of some of the units and men until War’s end. From the black soil plains of the Narrabri region in NSW, to the dry of Mid West WA and the humidity of North Queensland, New Guinea and the Islands the veterans of this amazing division share their memories, photos and yarns. And if that is not enough the communities that they ‘invaded’ also share their thoughts on what made the 1 AAD such special visitors.

Full of photos, cartoons, poetry and yarns with the backing voice of history, the book is a 364pp hardcover testimony to the veterans of the 1 Australian Armoured Division – completing Cate’s series on the 1 AAD which began with To Fight and Do Our Best: The 1st Australian Armoured Division in Gunnedah 1942-1943.

The Australian 1st Armoured Division was raised in 1941 as part of the Second Australian Imperial Force (AIF). While the Division was originally to be deployed to North Africa in late 1941, it was retained in Australia following the outbreak of the Pacific War. The 1st Armoured Division formed a key element of Australia’s defences against a feared Japanese invasion and was disbanded in Western Australia in September 1943.

The decision to form the 1st Armoured Division was inspired by the success of mass tank tactics in Europe during the early stages of World War II. The Australian War Cabinet approved the formation of an Armoured Division in November 1940 and 1st Armoured Division was established on 1 July 1941 under the command of Major General John Northcott. The Australian Armoured Corps was established at the same time, with the Corps being formally gazetted on 9 July 1941.