Title: The Benzine Lancers – Mechanicalizing the Australian Military Forces 1901 to 1919
Author: Dux, Rod
Condition: Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2012
ISBN: 9780646564401
Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 331 pages
Comments: The is the story of the evolution of the Mechanical Transport in the Australian Army – 1901 to 1919.
This comprehensive chronology encompasses a broad range of topics and imagery that will appeal to military vehicle enthusiasts, folks with an interest in military history, heritage & genealogy and the military modeling fraternity.
From ACMF to the 1st AIF, the book chronicles the introduction and later establishments, use and growth of mechanical transport units and personnel in the Middle East, the Western Front, England, Mesopotania and the Home Front.
During the Imperial Defence Conference at the British War Office in 1909, the Dominions including Australia, New Zealand and Canada formally agreed their defence establishments would adopt a form which would accomodate the seamless integration with British forces for the defence of the Empire and transportation was at the forefront of these deliberations.
1st AIF unit estalishments and mechanical content throughout the war years were based on the imperial system.
Includes 16 informative Annexes feature in the Australian Volunteer Automobile Corps, Vehicle and Unit markings and mechanical details. Illustrated with over 450 images.