Title: Steel Chariots in the Desert – The story of an armoured-car driver with the Duke of Westminster in Libya and in Arabia with T.E. Lawrence
Author: Rolls, S C
Condition: Mint
Edition: 2nd Edition
Publication Date: 2005
ISBN: 9781846770050
Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 256 pages
Comments: ‘Exciting Episodes In Libya and Hejaz, and Especially Railway-raiding Exploits With Lawrence’ yorkshire post ‘Rolls, the driver, our strongest and most resourceful man, the ready mechanic, whose skill and advice largely kept our cars in running order, was nearly in tears over the mishap. The knot of us, officers and men, English, Arabs and Turks, crowded round him and watched his face anxiously.
As he realised that he, a private, commanded in this emergency, even the stubble on his jaw seemed to harden in sullen determination.’ T.E. LAWRENCE – THE SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM.
This book of S.C. Rolls, Steel Chariots in the Desert in its unedited and unabridged form. It is not a facsimile – all the typesetting is new, clean and legible. It includes photographs and maps.