Title: South Australia’s Sappers – 3 Field Squadron – Royal Australian Engineers – A Unit History 1948 to 1998
Author: Warradale, S
Condition: Very Good
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 1998
ISBN: 0646351508
Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 172 pages
Comments: This book is the unit history of 3 Field Squadron, Royal Australian Engineers from 1948 to 1998. It is now part of the 9th Combat Engineer Regiment (9CER).
9 CER is unit of 9th Brigade, 2nd Division and provides combat engineer support to the brigade.
The role of the Combat Engineer Regiment is to carry out battlefield oriented engineering tasks, generally in support of the Brigade’s Infantry battalions. In many cases, the Combat Engineer Squadron will require Plant support from the Plant Troop.