Title: Soldiers’ Tales : A collection of true stories from Aussie Soldiers
Editor: Neave, Denny
Condition: Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2008
ISBN: 9780980325133
Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 192 pages
Comments: “Plodding through mud up to the knees for days on end with a 25lb pack plus weapons and ammunition made me curse the war in no uncertain terms. Then one day I heard a soldier behind me praying, ‘Dear God, help me pick up me feet, I’ll put the bastards down’.”
– Captain Glenn Davidson, New Guinea, WWII
A collection of stories that are entertaining, emotional and humorous, Soldiers’ Tales is a wonderful tribute to the Aussie digger.
Australian soldiers’ share their stories and anecdotes from World War One to the modern day conflict, the stories that are usually saved for Anzac Day or a catch-up with mates over a cup of tea or an icy cold beer.
In their own words they provide a fascinating glimpse of the many funny and touching moments that our diggers often hold tight to their chest. The collection of stories featured in Soldiers’ Tale vividly provide a taste of what a soldiers life is like in both war and peace.
From the pyramids of Egypt where a pint-sized captain used lateral thinking to gain respect, Anzac day on the porch with Banjo Patterson or a scorpion in the pants in Vietnam, their stories showcase the laconic sense of humour of the Aussie digger – that wonderful ability to get the job done with a sense of fun and a helping hand for a mate.
Soldiers’ Tale is a collection of yarns to warm the heart and bring a smile to your face or a tear to the eye. A wonderful collection of stories that will delight readers of all ages and linger on well after the book has been put aside.
With its stylish design and easy reading a Soldiers’ Tales is the perfect gift book for all ages.