Title: Six Years in Support – Official History of 2/1st Australian Field Regiment
Author: Hanson, A.G. DSO (Brigadier) and E.V. Haywood MC (Major)
Condition: Very Good Plus
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 1959
Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 211 pages
Comments: Previously owned by a member of the unit, whose details appear on the front-end page. Dust jacket a little worse for wear and has some cello tape at the edges. Most of the DJ is mostly there, however has a 6cm piece missing at the spine. Cellotape stains on the front and rear end pages. Internally is clean.
The detailed history of the 2/1st Australian Field Regiment during World War II.
Also includes list of Wounded and Honours and Awards.
Also includes Roll of Honour, Honours and Awards.