Title: Signals – Swift and Sure. A History of the Royal Australian Army Corps of Signals 1947 – 1972
Author: Blaxland, John
Condition: Near Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 1998
ISBN: 0646365517
Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 428 pages
Comments: The history of the Royal Australian Corps of Signals 1947 to 1972. Previous owners name on the page block at top.
The Royal Australian Corps of Signals (RASigs) is one of the ‘arms’ (combat support corps) of the Australian Army. It is responsible for installing, maintaining and operating all types of telecommunications equipment and information systems. The motto of the Signals Corps is Certa Cito and is translated as ‘Swift and Sure’, signifying the aim of the signal service – that communication be carried out with maximum speed and certainty. Like their British counterparts, the Royal Australian Corps of Signals’ flag and hat badge feature Mercury, the winged messenger of the gods, affectionately referred to by members of the corps as “Jimmy” (the origin dates back to the merge with Engineers when the Engineer’s band’s Drum Major had a “Jimmy” on his staff).