
Title: SAS – Phantoms of the Jungle : A History of the Australian Special Air Service

Author: Horner, David

Condition: Very Good

Edition: 4th Edition

Publication Date: 1992

ISBN: 0045200068

Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 527 pages

Comments: The now scarce history of the Special Air Service Regiment in South Vietnam. Now an out of print and highly desirable title. Hard to find in hard cover.

Based on patrol reports and interviews with participants, this Australian military classic tells the fascinating story of the formation of the SAS, its secret role in Borneo during confrontation with Indonesia and its operations in Vietnam. The SAS operated deep behind enemy lines, conducting surveillance at close range, poised to spring into violent action at need. It was with good reason the Viet Cong came to call them Ma Rung – ‘phantoms of the jungle’.

Previous owner’s name on the half title page.

Includes comprehensive Nominal Roll for Borneo and South Vietnam.