
Title: Sailors in Slouch Hats – From a Sea of Memories Recorded By the Men of 42 Australian Landing Craft Coy, RAE, AIF

Author: Rice, Wal (Sgt QX59077)

Condition: Mint

Edition: 2nd (Amended) Edition

Publication Date: 2001

ISBN: 0859052990

Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 159 pages

Comments: The detailed history of the 42 Australian Landing Craft Company, Royal Australian Engineers during World War 2.

The 42nd Landing Craft Company was one of many units of the 3rd Water Transport Group of the Corps of Royal Australian Engineers.

From the 18 June 1944, many men from the disbanded 2/8th Armoured Regiment of the 1 Australian Armoured Division, AIF were absorbed into the existing Assault Army Landing Craft, Small Ships and Port Operating Companies which were all part of the Australian Army Water Transport Coy RAE, AIF.

“A” Squadron of the 2/8th Armoured Regiment went to the 42nd Landing Craft Company, and “B” Squadron went to the 43rd Landing Craft Company.