Title: Regiments of the British Army: Infantry Part 1: A Handbook with Book Lists
Author: Sutcliffe, Victor
Condition: Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2007
ISBN: 095563640X
Cover: Hard Cover without Dust Jacket – 505 pages
Comments: Volume one of a projected three-volume reference for British Army regiments. This volume focuses on the infantry regiments. The author’s stated aim is to “…trace the steps by which the regiments of 1914 evolved into the regiments that exist today…and provide information about the origins of the regiments of 1914.” (Preface).
The text includes details of all regiments, including short-lived units and those that have been disbanded. In addition, there are references for about three thousand books, including approximately one thousand not listed in A.S. White’s bibliography. This is a new hard cover copy without dust jacket, as issued.
Signed by the Author