Title: Outback Corridor – World War 2 Lines of Communication Across Australia From Adelaide and Mt Isa to Darwin. – Northern Territory Wartime Experiences – Army Women’s Services in NT.
Author: Smith, Alan
Condition: Near Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2002
ISBN: 0958163901
Cover: Hard Cover without Dust Jacket (Laminated boards) – 388 pages
Comments: A detailed account of the making of central roads for essential supply and troop movement; the upgrading of the Overland Telegraph Line to meet the Defence build up; American Army transportation from Mt Isa and the Northern Territory; and the work of the Army Women, Nurses, AAMWS and AWAS.
Also includes personal reminiscences of the war in the Northern Territory, including the bombing of Darwin. Now a scarce and highly desirable unit history book.