Title: Nothing Short of War – With The Australian Army In Borneo 1962 – 1966
Author: Smith, Neil AM (Lieutenant Colonel)
Condition: Very Good Plus – Dust jacket worn at edges and corners, also some wear to the purple colour of the dust jacket. Internally clean and tightly bound.
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 1999
ISBN: 1876179074
Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 191 pages
Comments: A detailed history of the Australian Army in Borneo during the 1960s.
With the Australian Army in Borneo 1962-1966. A history of Australian involvement in Indonesian Confrontation. 200 pages, hard cover with jacket, index, never before published photographs, bibliography and rolls compiled from Unit Routine Orders Part II plus all recorded casualties, honours and awards and other service listed.
Includes Nominal Roll
Signed by Author