Title: No Ordinary Determination – Percy Black and Harry Murray of the First AIF
Author: Hatwell, Jeff
Condition: Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2005
ISBN: 1920731415
Cover: Soft Cover with Dust Jacket – 303 pages
Comments: An epic tale of two ordinary individuals thrown into the extraordinary and surreal world of the Gallipoli campaign as soldiers of the First AIF in WWI. Percy Black and Harry Murray were plain hard-working Australians whose paths crossed in Western Australia when they enlisted in support of country and empire. The powerful narrative paints a complex and thorough picture of the heroism, loyalty, inventiveness, mateship, stoicism and strength of the many individuals, on all sides, caught up in the horror of the ‘war to end all wars’.
Both became highly decorated soldiers with Percy Black being KIA on the Western Front while Harry Murray became Australia’s most decorated soldier during World War 1 and went from Private to Lieutenant-Colonel in 4 years and was awarded the Victoria Cross.
A great read about two extraordinary Australian soldiers.