Title: New Guinea Machine Gunners – A history of the 7 Australian Machine Gun Battalion 1942 – 1944
Author: Campbell, John
Condition: Near Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN: 9780987238726
Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 155 pages
Comments: The history of the 7th Australian Machine Gun Battalion in New Guinea during World War 2.
During World War 2, the task set for Lieutenant-Colonel Terry Farrell, his officers and NCOs was to form, train and prepare for battle a new machine gun battalion.
Using men from six ‘E’ (Vicker machine gun) companies from different infantry battalions, the newly-formed unit went on to serve in the defence of Port Moresby, Battle of Wau and at Milne Bay. New Guinea Machine Gunners by John Campbell contains a Nominal Roll, Honours and Awards and many maps and photographs.
The author’s interest in machine gunners comes from his father being RSM of 6 MGB and two uncles who served in 2/1 Machine Gun Battalion during World War 2.