Title: Men of Courage – A History of the 2/25 Australian Infantry Battalion, 1940 – 1945
Author: Draydon, Allan W
Condition: Near Mint
Edition: 2nd Edition
Publication Date: 2001
ISBN: 0646386638
Cover: Hard Cover without Dust Jacket (Laminated Boards) – 382 pages
Comments: A detailed account of the 2/25th Infantry Battalion during World War 2.
On 1 July 1940, a Queensland Battalion, 2/25 Australian Infantry Battalion was formed at Grovely Camp in Brisbane – it comprised volunteers selected from the Caloundra and Grovely Training Depots, and included many men from the Darling Downs and surrounding areas.
Covering their history starting with the origin of the battalion in 1940, and continuing through until after the end of World War Two, this book follows the life and travels of the 2/25 Australian Infantry Battalion. Included in their travels are places such as Syria, Merdjayoub, Kokoda Track, Ioribaiwa, Oivi, Gorari, Gona, Lae, Nadzab, Ramu Valley, Borneo and Balikpapan.
To help with illustrating the history are many photograph and maps. The appendixes have lists, such as those on the honour roll, nominal roll, and also those who were wounded in action, and a listing of those that received awards and which ones. A fascinating book for all who are interested in or have connections to the 2/25th battalion.
Includes Nominal Roll