Title: Lighter Shades of Scarlet and Grey (History of the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps)
Author: Guthrie, Stella and Clark, Jill
Condition: Very Good
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 1985
ISBN: 0959004106
Cover: Hard Cover without Dust Jacket – 99 pages
Comments: The detailed history of the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps.
The history of RAANC can be traced back to the formation of the Army Nursing Service on 13 August 1898. At the time it was made up of one Lady Superintendent and 24 nurses. The service saw its first action in the Boer war, when the New South Wales and Victorian governments arranged for a detachment of nurses to deploy with their troops to Africa. Groups and individual nurses from West Australia, South Australia and Queensland also served in the Anglo-Boer War. Due to the performance of the nurses in that conflict, an order was given in 1902 for the formation of the Army Nursing Service Reserve under the control of the Federal Government. It is this order’s promulgation, 1 July 1903, which is celebrated as RAANC Corps day.
Signed by both authors