Title: In the ANZAC Spirit The Forth Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment/NZ (ANZAC) South Vietnam 1968 to 1969
Author: Lieutenant-Colonel Avery, Brian
Condition: Near Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2002
ISBN: 095797521
Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 224 pages
Comments: The detailed history of the Fourth Battalion (The Royal Australian Regiment) in South Vietnam 1968 – 1969.
In the Anzac Spirit’ vividly describes the conditions under which 4RAR/NZ fought, and demonstarted the co-operation received from the other arms and forces involved in the war.
Few books have so successfully described the constant routine of patrolling, ambushing and endless contacts undertaken by the ordinary infantryman.
Written by Brian Avery, who served with 1RAR and 3RAR in Malaya, 4RAR in Borneo, and commanded 4RAR/NZ Mortar Platoon in Vietnam. The constant themes of the book are the military skills, endurance, and gallantry of the Diggers and Kiwi soldiers as they tracked down and fought a determined Viet Cong foe in Phuoc Tuy province.
Contains many photos and maps illustrating the campaign, plus a full Nominal Roll of those men who served with 4RAR during the Battalion’s first tour in Vietnam. The excellent and realistic descriptions in this book on operations in South Vietname make compelling reading. The author takes the reader into every aspect of each operation so that the reader feels the reality of war.
Includes Nominal Roll, Honour Roll & Honours and Awards