
Title: In Just Five Years – The RAAF and Nhill in World War 2 1941-45

Author: O’Reilly, Kevin

Condition: Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 2009

ISBN: 9780646512983

Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 207 pages

Comments: With Europe descending again into the depths of war in 1939, Australia was again called upon to play its part in the defence of the Empire. The RAAF mobilised and training bases were built in all parts of the country, trainee aircrew were enlisted under the EATS (Empire Air Training Scheme), initially to defend Britain, but with the Japanese invasion of Asia, a new urgency dictated that additional airmen be now concerned with the defence of Australia itself.

The Base at Nhill was to train Observers (Navigators) initially and this proceeded for more than two years before RAAF restructure saw it change late in 1943 to train in Air Armament Weaponry which included gunnery, bombing and chemical warfare. More than 10,000 personnel either taught or were trained at RAAF – NHILL, from its beginning in 1941 to its closure as a training base in 1945 and we know that many would pay the ultimate price in the defence of our country. The airmen and airwomen were closely involved in town sport, social and Church activities. The Base had its own entertainment unit and raised money throughout the Wimmera region by putting on concerts and revues in various town venues and by running fortnightly dances at the Base. It was widely known as a happy Base and many lifelong friendships were made with the local citizens who did their utmost to assist and entertain the personnel in difficult times.

This is a collection of articles, documents, reminiscences and photographs which should be kept accessible for historical purposes.