Title: HMS Hood – Pride of the Royal Navy
Author: Norman, Andrew
Condition: Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN: 9781862274532
Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 157 pages
Comments: When the battle cruiser HMS Hood was sunk by the Bismark and her consort Prinz Eugen in May 1941, the shock to the Royal Navy, to Britain and the world was immense. Hood had seemed invincible and the epitome of naval power, with her eight 15-inch and eight 4-inch guns. She would prove be anything but, and would become the tomb of 1,418 men.
Basing his narrative on primary sources at the Royal Naval Museum and in Germany, plus a unique interview with one of only three survivors of the disaster, Andrew Norman offers his own theory for the ship’s fantastically rapid loss. Doubts were immediately raised over the official verdict. Just how could an inboard fire break a ship this large in two?