
Title: HMAS Harman 1943 – 1993


Condition: Very Good

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 1993


Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 39 pages

Comments: The history of HMAS Harman from 1943 to 1993. Now a scarce and highly desirable title rarely seen on the market.

HMAS Harman is a Royal Australian Navy (RAN) communications and logistics facility. The main base is located in the Australian capital of Canberra, and is geographically recognised as the suburb of Harman (postcode 2600). Established in the late 1930s as the Royal Australian Navy Wireless/Transmitting Station Canberra, the facility was commissioned into the RAN as a stone frigate in 1943.

In addition to its communications and logistics roles, the base hosts reserve units from the Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force, and cadet units from all three branches of the Australian Defence Force Cadets.

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