
Title: Heroes and Gentlemen : Colonel Tom Price and the Victorian Mounted Rifles

Author: Calder, Winty

Condition: Near Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 1985

ISBN: 0958928908

Cover: Hard Cover without Dust Jacket (Laminated Boards) – 189 pages

Comments: ‘Heroes and Gentlemen’ is about volunteer Victorian Mounted infantrymen, who did much to lay the foundantion of the Australian Light Horse.

Raised in 1885 by Lieutenant-Colonel Tom Price, the Victorian Mounted Rifles were established and trained to defend Melbourne and the Colony of Victoria.

Contents include: Prelims., Scares & Alarms, Growth of the Regiment, Equiping, Parades-Competitions-Duties, Maritime strike, V.M.R. in England, Call to arms in South Africa, Regiment in South Africa, New Recruits, Federation, Old Brigade, Appendices, Refs., Index.

Includes names of Sergeant Majors and commissioned officers of the Victorian Mounted Rifles.