Title: Hands to Boarding Stations – Australian Minesweeper HMAS Hawk: Operations in the Indonesian Confrontation, 1965-1966
Author: Foster, John
Condition: Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2003
ISBN: 1876439211
Cover: Hard Cover without Dust Jacket (Laminated Boards) – 125 pages
Comments: The story of HMAS Hawk during the Indonesian Confrontation from 1965 to 1966.
HMAS Hawk (M 1139) (formerly HMS Somerlyton) was a Ton class minesweeper operated by the Royal Navy and the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). The minesweeper was built for the Royal Navy as HMS Gamston, but renamed HMS Somerlyton before entering service. She was sold to Australia in 1961, and commissioned as HMAS Hawk in 1962. The ship operated through the Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation, and was decommissioned in 1972.