
Title: Forgotten Force – The Australian Military Contribution to the Occupation of Japan 1945-1952

Author: Wood, James

Condition: Very Good

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 1998

ISBN: 1864487011

Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 304 pages

Comments: On 13 February 1946, Australian troops disembarked at the war-devastated Japanese port city of Kure. They were the vanguard of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force in Japan which Australia used to enhance its international status and its ties with the US and New Zealand. 

At its peak some 12,000 Australians served in this force, making up one-third of its strength. This book tells their story. Their primary task was to dismantle and destroy the means by which the Japanese had waged war. 

It was dangerous work and also included the conduct of patrols to reduce smuggling and illegal immigration, the overseeing of elections and supervising the repatriation of foreign nationals and returning Japanese service and civilian personnel.