
Title: Diggers at War – Accounts of Australians During the Great War in the Middle East, at Gallipoli and on the Western Front: Over There With the Australians … Over the Top With the Third Australian Division.

Author: Knyvett, R. (Over There With the Australians) Hugh Cuttriss, G P (Over the Top With the Third Australian Division)

Condition: Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 2008

ISBN: 9781846775611

Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 315 pages

Comments: Accounts of Australians During the Great War in the Middle East, at Gallipoli and on the Western Front.

Two accounts of the Australian Army at war (Two Books in One):

“Over There” With the Australians by R. Hugh Knyvett

Over the Top With the Third Australian Division by G. P. Cuttris

During the Great War all of Britain’s colonies and dominions rallied to the appeal of the motherland to fight the common enemy. None responded more positively than Australia. Leonaur has gathered together two accounts into this single volume for students and enthusiasts of the period to enjoy. The Australian experience of war is finely captured in them both. The first, written by a scout, takes the reader through recruitment, training, embarkation and a period in Egypt before gruelling combat on the Gallipoli peninsula and the bloody trenches of the Western Front. The second account is filled with vignettes of the Australian experience of war in Europe. This is another ‘two for the price of one’ volume by Leonaur available in softcover or hardback with dust jacket for collectors.