
Title: Defenders of Australia – The Third Australian Division

Author: Palazzo, Albert

Condition: Near Mint Plus – From the library of Brigadier Ian Gilmore OBE OAM and as such has a book launch invitation card, named to the Brigadier contained in the book.

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 2002

ISBN: 1876439033

Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket -245 pages

Comments: The detailed history of the Third Division AIF during World War I and up to it’s disbandment in 1991.

From the nation’s founding in 1901, the primary means of Australia’s defence has been its citizen soldier. In times of peace and war, the Australian Army and the nation have benefited from a long tradition of service by citizens who temporarily gave up ordinary roles in the community to defence their country. While the greatest need was during the dark days of the two world wars, even in periods of peace Australians have come forward to serve the nation and prepare for its defence.

Of the Australian Army’s citizen soldier formations, the longest serving was the 3rd Division. It was raised in 1916 and fought with distinction in the trenches of the Western Front in World War I. Between the two World War the 3rd Division remained alert to the growing danger of Germany and Japan, and its members prepared to face the coming threat. When World War II began, the Division again came forward, first to help form the 2nd Australian Imperial Force, and later to turn back the Japanese threat from the north. Throughout the Cold War the 3rd Division again awaited the government’s summons, a call which fortunately never came.

In 1991, after 75 years of service, the 3rd Division was disbanded. With its passing, a great and distinguished formation of the Australian Army came to an end. Yet while the 3rd Division is no longer a part of the Army, its memory, traditions and battle honour live on, and the spirit of the citizen soldier continues to shape the future of Australian defence.

List of Tables
List of Maps
List of Illustrations
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1: The Origins of the 3rd Australian Division
Chapter 2: The 3rd Australian Division in World War I
Chapter 3: The 3rd Australian Division Between the World Wars
Chapter 4: The 3rd Australian Division in World War II
Chapter 5: The 3rd Australian Division During the Cold War
Chapter 6: The Legacy of the 3rd Australian Division
Appendix 1: Commanders of the 3rd Australian Division
Appendix 2: Gallery of 3rd Australian Division Commanders