Title: Dearest Geraldine – Letters from a Soldier
Author: Johnstone, Norman
Condition: Near Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2003
ISBN: 1876439696
Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 105 pages
Comments: The story of Norman Johnstone of the 2/4th Australian Infantry Battalion centred around the letters he wrote home.
The 2/4th Battalion’s first drafts of recruits arrived at Ingleburn Camp on 3 November 1939, following the formation its headquarters at Victoria Barracks in Sydney the previous week. Part of the 16th Brigade of the 6th Australian Division, the battalion departed Sydney for service overseas on 10 January 1940. While the battalion was en route for the Middle East Australian infantry brigades were reorganised along British lines, with three battalions instead of four. This meant the 2/4th was eventually transferred to the 19th Brigade, but remained part of the 6th Division.