
Title: Comrades Brave – History of Hauraki Regiment

Author: Taylor, Richard

Condition: Near Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 1998

ISBN: 0908887221

Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 216 pages

Comments: A comprehensive history of the Hauraki Regiment up to 1998.

The Hauraki Regiment is a Territorial Force unit of the New Zealand Army. The regiment is unique among the TF units in that it has never been amalgamated, and thus can trace its history directly back to its formation in 1898. The regiment was formed as the 2nd (Hauraki) Battalion, Auckland Rifle Volunteers. Men of the Hauraki Regiment served during the First World War with the various Auckland Regiments, and with the 18th, 21st, 24th and 29th Battalions of the NZEF in the Second World War.

With the reorganisation of the army in 1964, the regiment become a TF battalion of the Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment. This was until the later reorganisation of 1999, which saw the TF battalions split from the RNZIR to become multi-function battalion groups.

The Hauraki Regiment includes an armoured squadron, which is descended from the Waikato Regiment. This is designated as the 4th Waikato Mounted Rifles.