
Title: Commando! The M/Z Unit’s Secret War Against Japan

Author: Feuer, A B

Condition: Near Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 1996

ISBN: 0275954080

Cover: Hard Cover without Dust Jacket – 171 pages

Comments: This a historical account of Australian commando actions by the so-called M/Z Units against Japanese forces in the Southwest Pacific in World War II. 

The M Units were the fairly well-known coast watchers who reported on enemy ship and aircraft movements; the Z Units were the lesser-known commandos whose missions were on the offensive. Commando! is an eminently readable book that should be of interest to most students of World War II history, particularly to those interested in the war in the Pacific. It also gives some well-deserved recognition to Australians for their role in the Pacific Theater of Operations.

Feuer writes well and relies extensively on the written accounts of many of the participants in the various actions, a feature that lends authenticity and immediacy to the narrative. Many of the missions reported in the book ended in failure, reflecting the difficult conditions under which these operations were conducted. The numerous general references to the valuable work of the commandos, the number of Japanese troops they tied down merely by their presence, and the intelligence they provided tend to balance out accounts of missions gone wrong.

Inscription on the half title page.