Title: Cambrai 1917 – The Myth of the First Great Tank Battle
Author: Hammond, Bryn
Condition: Neat Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN: 0753826054
Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 500 pages
Comments: Cambrai was the last – and most influential – battle fought by the British on the Western Front in 1917. With many of the Allies on the brink of collapse, only Britain was still capable of holding the Germans at bay. Over time, many myths have grown up around what happened at Cambrai.
The events of this iconic attack are now buried beneath accumulated legends and misrepresentations built up over almost a century. It is remembered as the world’s first great tank battle, but it was the brilliant British innovations in artillery techniques that most shocked the enemy. Equally important were the new ‘stormtroop’ tactics the Germans pioneered.
Drawing on previously unpublished letters, diaries, first-hand accounts and official reports, Bryn Hammond’s definitive account examines this military milestone, how the myths were created and how they changed the face of warfare for ever.