
Title: Beneath Southern Seas – The Silent Service

Author: Davison, Jon and Allibone, Tom

Condition: Near Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 2005

ISBN: 1920694625

Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 232 pages

Comments: A concise account of life on the Australian submarine HMAS Rankin.

In this vivid pictorial tribute, the authors have interspersed intimate images and candid personal interviews with archival material spanning Australia’s long association with submarines, Australia purchased its first two submarines in 1914.

Jon Davison and Tom Allibone spent over a year with the RAN Submarine Force Element Group, and twelve days on board HMAS Rankin. they joined the vessel in Sydney towards the end of a six month, 21,000km overseas deployment and travelled aboard the submarine to her home port in Western Australia.

In the confines of the 78 metre long vessel, they photographed, interviewed and shared the lives of crew, gaining an insight into their day-to-day routine and the qualities essential in a submarine.