
Title: Before the Anzac Dawn – A military history of Australia before 1915.

Author: Stockings, Craig and Connor, John

Condition: Near Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 2013

ISBN: 9781742233697

Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 352 pages

Comments: This book provides a comprehensive and compelling account of Australian military history before any soldier set foot on Gallipoli.

It shows that this pre-1915 history has largely been forgotten. Indeed the extent to which Australians thought about war and experienced war before ANZAC existed will surprise many readers.

Starting with detailed accounts of both traditional indigenous warfare and frontier wars between whites settlers and indigenous inhabitants, we learn of the setting up of colonial navies, the red coats who guarded the colonies, Australians fighting in wars against New Zealand Maori, cadet and rifle clubs as well as the overseas wars we joined up for in the Crimea and Sudan. Written by leading experts in their fields and expertly edited by Craig Stockings and John Connor, Before the Anzac Dawn is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding the whole story of Australia’s military history.