
Title: Australian Contingents to the China Field Force 1900 – 1901

Author: Atkinson, James

Condition: Very Good Plus

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 1976

ISBN: 090945890

Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 69 pages

Comments: Previous owners name on the half title page.

The history of the Australian Contingents to the China Field Force 1900 – 1901. 

All the Australian colonies were deeply involved in the bloody fighting in South Africa when another call to arms came from China, via Britain, for help in containing and defeating a dangerous threat to all foreigners in China by the fanatical Chinese secret society known as the “Boxers”.

The colonies of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia responded at once by offering some 460 members of the Victorian and NSW naval brigades and the gunboat Protector, flagship of the South Australian naval forces, and its crew of 96.

Includes detailed list of the contingents by name, rank and other remarks.