Title: As Rough as Bags – the History of the 6th Battalion 1st AIF, 1914 – 1919
Author: Austin, Ronald
Condition: Mint
Edition: 2nd Edition
Publication Date: 2007
ISBN: 09579752957
Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 394 pages
Comments: The comprehensive history of the 6th Battalion AIF during World War I.
When the 6th Australian Battalion sailed from Australia in October 1914, little did it realize, that for the next four years it would travel on a sacrificial journey to Turkey, France and Belgium. The Great War of 1914-1918, was from an Australian point of view, a watershed in our national development. The performance of our enthusiastic citizen soldiers at Gallipoli, mesmerized the British Empire. However by 1918, the AIF had become a professional battle hardened army. The 6th Battalion was typical of the Australian infantry battalions, and it could be argued that it was one of the best. The guiding hand behind the 6th battalions Maturity as a fighting battalion, which was sometimes described as being AS ROUGH AS BAGS, was Lieutenant Colonel H. Gordon Bennett, who was the Commanding Officer in 1915 – 1916.
The history of the Sixth is vividly described and supplemented by the extensive use of diaries, letters, interviews with veterans, and photographs, many of which have never before been published. The inclusion of many appendices makes this history a notable addition to Australian Military literature.
Includes Nominal Roll, Honour Roll & Decorations and Awards